alternative asset

  • A Special Purpose Company registered in Hong Kong SAR for investments including, but not limited to, energy infrastructure, and/or government sponsored projects. The Project would be in the form of PPO, BOO, and BOOT.
  • Projects that EPC Company and Group would Joint Venture with Local Sponsors in Energy, Infrastructure, and Capital  Improvements for Asia and Emerging  Counties.
  • EPC Company would participate with a Joint Venture, General Partnership and Limited Liability Company for each project. IDF  Consortium  has  highly  skilled  Architects, City & Community Planners,  Urban Planners, Engineers, Environment  Engineers,  Community  Relations,  and  Business Development Experts
  • CEO: World Class Manager with Security  Licenses in H.K.
  • Member of EPC Company
  • Internal Auditor
  • Security Marketing Manager
  • Risk Management
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