FOOD SECURITY – hydreponic facilities
IDF is frequently faced with new challenges when considering infrastructure development solutions. One such challenge has been to visualize and plan infrastructure projects based on food security concepts. IDF encourages ecological approaches to food production with rural and urban agricultural solutions in order to meet food demand and energy challenges in developed and emerging countries.
The provision of a reliable food source via IDF’s keystone projects introduces the lucrative implementation of aquaponics, hydroponics, and organic solutions in controlled glass greenhouses with indoor environments unaffected by external weather elements. These solutions guarantee local populations with a sustainable diet high in protein, vitamins and minerals, with no and/or no chemicals
Therefore, food securities tackles poverty in countries with poorer regions that are commonly negatively affected by soil erosion, desertification, flooding and droughts and as such they are in need of development to contribute to economic growth.
Food securities have proven to be a vital inner functionality to the success of an array of infrastructure development plans; in particular food security is vital for the provision of sustenance to the human capital responsible for the supplies, expertise and development of IDF projects.
IDF strives to ensure nutrition is guaranteed for employees, families and people involved in IDF projects; while also ensuring the wider community benefits from these operations. IDF envisages results that effect considerable stimulation in the food industry. They encourage entrepreneurship in food related economic activity creating local businesses and employment in primary farming and fishing industries, secondary sector storage industries and tertiary commercial industries including fisheries, markets, shops, restaurants and additional services.
Governments seeking solutions that reduce poverty, starvation and are looking to increase their tax base through corporate and personal taxation systems hugely benefit from food security implementations due to the individual and commercial benefits provided. IDF’s keystone management approach provides training, employment and a future for the regions that implement food securities